The Story of Lenard Lee

By Max Tron.
Amateur Writer/Novelist

It was a warm winter day in Fairbrooke, one of those small towns just outside Missouri. The air was crisp and the few leaves that remained on the tress were a deep red and orange. The evergreens and cedars were bright green lined up along the boulevard like the columns that lead up to a museum. People could be seen walking and scurrying around the small town busily searching stores for the perfect gift for their children and relatives in time for Christmas. Voices could be heard as people cheerily greeted one another with a “Good morning!” and “Lovely day isn’t it?”
Lenard Lee sat on a park bench taking it all in. Then a thought entered his mind and he pulled out his camera to snap a photo. It was a sunny day, so he nudged down his ISO and -“CLICK.” He stared at the photo and decided it was okay. “I’ll fix up any mistakes in editing.” He thought to himself.
It was about time for him to go to school, so he put his camera in his backpack, stood from the park bench and stretched his muscles. He took one last look at the hustle and bustle then turned and left.
He was sitting at his desk when the teacher asked for silence in the classroom.
Everyone,” The teacher was saying, there was a girl standing beside him silently, “This is Jasmine White, she’s just transferred here to our school from New Jersey. I want you all to give her a warm welcome.”
Everyone could be heard saying, “Hello Jasmine.” and “Welcome to Fairbrooke.” But Lenard sat there and watched her. She had long ebony hair that fell past her shoulders and stunning almost opal eyes. She was tall, but not overly tall, and her smile was truly bright. Later that day at lunch, he was standing in line at the cafeteria getting served warm dishes of miscellaneous foods when she spoke up from behind him.
Hi, I’m Jasmine.” she said. When she spoke he jumped slightly then realized that it was the girl from class earlier that morning, with the same beaming smile.
Oh, hey, I’m Lenard, but most people call me Len” he said in return.
Oh, okay. I was just thinking about what a nice little town you have here,” she said, “I like it much better than in New Jersey.”
Yeah, it’s small, but active.” Len said, recovering.
I noticed that,” she was saying, “but I didn’t get to see much of it on the way in.”
You know,” he said, “after school I could show you around the town if you want.”
It sounds nice,” She was saying, “but I can’t, I’m still moving in, unpacking and things like that.”
Ah, I see.” He said as he pulled away from the counter a few steps, “maybe next time.”
Yeah, maybe next time. It was nice meeting you Len.” She replied as he walked to his table and sat down.
When Len got home, he went upstairs and put away his things then opened his laptop to see how much his camera he wanted would cost. He’d seen the ad in the paper but it didn’t say a price. He pulled up the website and found the camera, “four hundred dollars!” He thought as he saw the price. “I’ll definitely need a job for this.”
He was busy searching the internet for different areas of work but couldn’t focus on what he was doing. Every time he went to read on how to apply for another application source his mind drifted back to Jasmine’s bright and beaming smile. He wasn’t upset that she had come to his school, but if he couldn’t focus, he would never be able get his camera.
Finally, he decided to head downstairs and eat dinner with his father. When he came in through the doorway his father said, “When did you get home? I didn’t hear you come in.”
Oh,” said Len, “I fixed the door dad, it doesn’t creak anymore.”
Ah,” said his father, “okay, then let’s eat.”
As they were eating, Len brought up the subject of school and what had happened that day with Jasmine.
Did you get her number?” asked his father.
Dad,” said Len with a laugh, “she barely knows me, and besides, she probably
wouldn’t give it to me if I asked her.”
Son,” his father was saying, “never underestimate what a girl will do. After all, your
mother married me didn’t she?”
I guess.” Len said. His mother had died when he was born in 1994, his father had done his best to raise him, but it was hard not having a mom.
So what about that camera you want eh,” said his father, “you find a price on it?”
Yeah,” Len was saying sarcastically, “you’re going to love this, four hundred
His father whistled long and loud.
That’s a lot,” he said finally, “you’d better get a job, and soon.”
Yeah, but I can’t find any.” said Len.
Don’t worry,” his father was saying, “I can get you working somewhere in the market, but you’ll probably be a cashier.”
That’s fine with me.” said Len, “when do I start?”
We’ll see soon enough.” said his father, “don’t worry.”


A few days later, Len was eating his lunch in the cafeteria and worrying about getting his job, when Jasmine sat down next to him.
Hey Len!” she said cheerily, “How’s it going?”
He looked up to see her smiling, as she always did.
Oh, hey Jasmine.” Len replied.
Please,” she said, “call me Min.”
Ah, okay.” he said.
Is something wrong?” she asked innocently.
Well,” he started saying, “I want this new camera and it’s costs plenty of money, so I need a job to raise up for it, but I don’t have one yet, I’m still waiting for a message from the market.”
I’m sure it will be alright.” she said. “What kind of camera is it?”
It’s a Digital SLR, and it’s a good one too. High speed shooting, it has a zoom lens.
It’s just what I would want.” He replied.
Sounds nice, but, won’t you get it for Christmas though?”
I doubt it, my dad says I need a job if I want to get it.” Said Len.
There was a lull in the conversation.
So,” Len started saying, “you still interested in seeing the sights?”
I don’t know,” said Min jokingly, “are you?”
They continued to talk with each other until the bell rang. Jasmine got up to go and so did Len. As she walked away Lenard called to her down the hall.
Hey, my dad is having a Christmas party next week! You should come!
I’ll try!” she called back over her shoulder.


When Lenard got out of school he saw Jasmine at the flagpole and ran over to her.
Are you ready?” he asked her.
Yeah,” she said, “I just cleared it with my parents, they’re okay with it”
Okay then,” said Len, “let’s go.”
They set off from the school like two expectant explorers hoping to find something amazing. As they were walking down the sidewalk Min kept saying “Oh, I’m so excited! And “It’s going to be so great!” Until finally she turned to him and said:
Where to first?”
You like to read?” Len replied.
Yes?” she said confused.
Then we’re off to the library!” he exclaimed.
When they came through the doors Jasmine couldn’t believe what hers eyes were showing her. There were rows upon rows of books. She turned to Lenard and said quietly.
This is amazing…”
I know…” he replied in the same hushed tone.
After that, he took her to the all of the other places in Fairbrooke. The market, the fire department, the diner, and finally, the park. There weren’t many people around and it was a nice, clear day, without a cloud to be seen.
What do you think so far?” he asked.
It’s beautiful…” Min said smiling, “Thanks for taking me.”
No problem,” he said, “you have to know where everything is if you’re going to live
She turned and looked at him.
Where do you live?” she asked.
Would you like to see it?” he said.
Jasmine nodded.
Well then,” he said with an accent, “This way if you please.”
She laughed and followed him back down the sidewalk to his house. When he opened the door he could hear his father working on something inside.
Looks like my dad is home.” he said.
Really?” Min asked, “Can I meet him?”
Sure, if you want.” Len said walking inside. He looked around and said:
Hey dad!” I’m home!”
From inside one of the rooms his father walked out holding a screwdriver and a clock.
Hey Len,” he said, then saw Jasmine standing next Lenard. “Who’s this?” he asked.
Dad, this is Jasmine.” Len said as Jasmine stepped forward.
Hello Mr. Lee,” she started saying, “your son was just showing me around town, it’s
such a nice place here.”
Ah,” Mr. Lee said, “Well, it certainly is nice to meet you, and I hope you like it
Me too.” said Min, then a buzzing sound drifted up from her pocket.
Ah,” she said, “My parents need me back home.” she turned to Lenard. “Sorry Len, I have to go, thanks for showing me around!” she said as she opened the door and walked out.
See you tomorrow!” he called.
Bye!” she said from outside.
Lenard turned towards his father who was staring at him with a peculiar grin across his face.
That was her wasn’t it?” he asked.
Yes, dad, it was.” Len said looking out the window.
And you still didn’t get her number did you?”
Dad,” Len laughed, “Come on.”
Heh heh,” his father laughed, “hey! I got some good news for you, you’re hired!”
Really?” said Len in disbelief, “are you sure?”
Positive, you need to show up at the market day after tomorrow.”
Aw, thanks dad!” Lenard said hugging his father.
Okay, that’s enough Len, I have to make dinner.” he said.
Ah, yes, you do that.” said Len.


The next day, at school, Lenard told Jasmine that he got his job.
Really?” she said, “I’m so happy for you!”
I need four hundred dollars,” said Len “so I’ll have to work every day after
For how many days?” Min asked
Hmm,” Len said, putting a hand to his chin, “about a week or two, not long.”
Well,” started Min, “I guess I won’t be seeing you very much for the next few days, so here’s my number if you want to talk after work.” she said writing down her number on a scrap of paper. Then the bell rang.


Lenard walked through the doors of the market and looked around. There was another man at a different register and another man taking stock. All the people he’d seen countless times before, but now he would be working alongside them.
His orientation had gone well; he now knew how to operate the register, computer, everything, and all he had to do now was prove himself.
He asked his new manager what to do first and ended up mopping the store all day. This continued for the first week and a-half, until he was finally told to restock the shelves one evening. As he did this he started thinking about his camera. “I can finally get it, I can’t wait!” As he thought, he leaned up against a shelf. But to his surprise, it started leaning over too. He quickly stopped, but it kept going. “Oh no!” He thought, and then winced as the shelf came down with a loud, resounding -CRASH!


When Lenard came home that night, he did not want to tell his father the news. He hesitantly walked up the steps and stopped, ran a hand nervously through his short blonde hair, then opened the door and walked into the house. His father came out of one of the back rooms and looked him over.
Something wrong Len?” he asked.
Dad, I’ve got good and I’ve got bad news.” said Len.
His father cocked an eyebrow.
The good news is, she gave me her number.”


Finally, it was the night of the Christmas party, and everyone was driving up in their cars trying to find a parking space before they missed out on the fun. There was fruitcake and cookies, soup and coffee, and practically anything you could think of.
Lenard was at the front door greeting everyone as they came into the house. He hadn’t seen Jasmine yet, but he was still confident she would come.
I hope she can make it…” he thought to himself. As he did, another car pulled up through the driveway. He watched it drive around the yard, park, and shut off.
A woman climbed out of the car and looked around, as she did this, Jasmine stepped out of the other side and locked eyes with Len. The she smiled and waved at him.
Hey Len!” she called.
Hey!” he shouted back.
Both of them walked over to him, as they approached Jasmine said:
Len, this is my mom, mom this is Lenard Lee.” she gestured towards him as she spoke.
Hello.” Min’s mother said.
Nice to meet you.” Lenard replied shaking the woman’s hand.
Come on mom, let’s go inside.” Min said and smiled at him as they all walked through the door.


As the festivities were carried out through the night, Len noticed that Jasmine wasn’t in the room. “Where did she go?” he wondered as he went through all the rooms in the house. He was perplexed until he thought to look outside.
He came out the front door and looked around. “Nothing…” he wondered, and then, “What’s that?” he thought he had heard a noise… There it was! “It almost sounds like… crying…” he thought and listened a second more. “It most definitely is crying, but from where?” he went around the side of the house and lo and behold, there was Jasmine, leaning against the wall crying into her hands.
Hey, are you alright?” he asked. Jasmine looked up suddenly, “Oh, hey Len…” she said and started to wipe her tears from her eyes.
No no, it’s okay, you can cry if you need to.” he said to her. “If it helps, I cry all the time, especially when I kick the furniture on accident.”
Jasmine laughed slightly between sobs.
Come here.” he said gathering her in his arms and hugging her.
Now what’s wrong?” he said.
Oh Len,” Min said, “It’s been such a long year.”
Why?” he asked.
Well,” Min started, “Last year, at Christmas, my boyfriend broke up with me… It’s just painful to celebrate it at times.”
I’m so sorry,” Len said, “if you ever need to talk, I’m here. Okay?”
Thanks Len,” she said stepping back, “I needed some cheering up.”
Tell me about it,” Len said back, “I lost my job yesterday.”
Oh no,” she gasped, “But, what about your camera?”
Don’t worry about me…” he said, and took her hand, “come on, let’s go back inside.” he said in a gentle voice.
Okay.” she whispered.


Lenard went to the calendar in his house to check on his schedule for today. December 31st. “Hmm,” he thought to himself, then he remembered that he also had more important plans for today.
Hey dad! I’m going out!” Len called.
From somewhere in the house his father stepped out.
Len, that girlfriend of yours is taking all of your help out of this house.” he said.
Sorry dad, but I have to go.”
I’m just joking with you Len, go on, get out of here. Have fun!”


Lenard walked up to the house holding a bouquet of flowers behind his back. He knocked on the door and waited. Then Jasmine poked her beautiful face out of the door. She looked around and saw Len standing there.
Excuse me sir,” she said with an accent, “did you knock?”
Well yes madam,” Len said with the same accent, “I believe I did.”
They both laughed, and Min came out of her house and hugged him.
Are we ready to go?” she asked.
Yes,” Len said, “But first..” and then he showed her the flowers.
For you.” he said with an accent while bowing.
Oh Len!” Min gasped, “Oh they’re beautiful!”
Thank you,” he said, “Come on, we have to go before people think we’re loitering.”
Okay.” Min said with a laugh, and they were off.


When they both arrived at their desired location they got out of the car. It was a large, treeless, field filled with flowers.
Len,” Min said, “if you keep amazing me I won’t be able to top it.”
That’s okay,” Len said, “it’s my pleasure.”
They both walked out to the field and looked around at it’s picturesque landscape. Then Jasmine walked a little further and turned around to look at Lenard.
You want to dance with me?”
I don’t know.” Len said, walking towards her, “I’m not the perfect dancer.”
Come on Len, please.” she said.
Alright.” Len said. And they started dancing.
I wonder what this looks like to other people watching us?” he said.
Len,” Min said.
Yeah?” he replied.
Just shut up and dance.”


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